Covid origen and covid vaccine: bullet points
Ralph Baric and the DEFUSE Proposal: Ralph Baric, a top U.S. virologist, proposed in the 2018 DEFUSE funding proposal to engineer a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2. The proposal included inserting a furin cleavage site, using the restriction enzyme BsmBI, seeking a binding domain for ACE2, and ensuring the virus's genome was about 25% different from SARS.
Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2: The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, has features that align with Baric's DEFUSE proposal, including the furin cleavage site, use of BsmBI, and specificity to ACE2 receptors, suggesting to some that it could be an engineered virus.
Patent and Research: Baric obtained a patent for such novel viruses around the same time he was assembling the DEFUSE proposal, which aimed to infect wild Chinese bats with his patented viruses.
Funding Outcome: Despite the detailed proposal, DEFUSE did not receive funding from DARPA. Instead, a similar but different proposal named PREEMPT by Vincent Munster at NIH's Rocky Mountain Lab won funding. PREEMPT aimed to create a self-spreading virus-vaccine for bats.
Collaboration and Project CREID: Post-DARPA funding decision, Baric and Munster collaborated under an $82 million program called CREID, funded by Fauci's NIAID, where they worked on the concept of self-spreading bat vaccines.
Transmissibility and Lab Context: It's suggested that SARS-CoV-2 might have been made transmissible in Montana before being sent for testing in Wuhan, as it transmits efficiently in animals present at the Rocky Mountain Lab but not in those at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
Dr. Danielle Anderson's Role: Anderson, who worked at WIV under Duke-NUS, might have been involved in testing this transmissible virus-vaccine on Chinese bats, potentially leading to a lab leak scenario.
Speculative Lab Leak: There's no direct evidence, but the sequence of events and known connections suggest a possible lab-acquired infection at WIV, with Anderson or a colleague potentially as patient zero.
Post-Leak Actions: Post-publication of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, there were significant reactions, including Linfa Wang’s abrupt resignation, suggesting internal knowledge or panic about the virus's origin.
Baric's Later Work and Comments: Since 2021, Baric has focused on developing vaccines, possibly as a form of atonement, while also making remarks that might shift some responsibility to governmental decisions on funding risky research.
This summary highlights the complex narrative around the origins of SARS-CoV-2, focusing on lab-related theories and the interconnected research projects. However, these points are based on allegations, speculation, and interpretations of public and leaked information, rather than conclusive evidence.
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