Why are democrats/liberals/leftists so evil?

 Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, often critiques political ideologies like those commonly associated with Democrats or liberals due to their tendency to prioritize collectivism and statism over individualism and capitalism. According to Rand, these ideologies often advocate for policies that involve the redistribution of wealth, government intervention in the economy, and the expansion of regulatory control, which she views as antithetical to the principles of freedom and individual rights.

Rand considered collectivism, which is often embraced by liberal ideologies, as fundamentally opposed to the moral and practical benefits of capitalism. She argued that collectivism sacrifices the individual to the group, undermining personal freedoms and the pursuit of individual happiness. This is viewed as "evil" in her philosophy because it negates the moral purpose of life, which she sees as the pursuit of one's own rational self-interest and happiness.

Additionally, Rand believed that statism, a system where the state holds significant control over economic and social affairs, leads to the erosion of individual rights and freedoms. She argued that the growth of government power often advocated by liberal policies threatens the autonomy of the individual, which is essential for a flourishing society [1][2][3].

Therefore, from an Objectivist perspective, Democrats and liberals are often criticized not for their intentions, which may be rooted in compassion or social justice, but for the means by which they seek to achieve their goals, which Rand would argue ultimately result in the suppression of individual rights and freedoms.


1 Logical Leap by David Harriman

2 Ayn Rand Lexicon by Harry Binswanger

3 Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff


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