Socialism: summary list of basic characteristics

Socialism is typically defined as a system of economic, political, and social processes.



There is an economic identity between socialism and universal wage and price controls in their nature and effects

collective ownership or control (fascism) of:




means of production = government monopoly



economic chaos and chronic economic crisis:

shortages of labor and consumers' goods

waiting lines

first come, first served


black markets

anarchy of production

technological backwardness

inefficiency/waste in production

destruction of profit motive, price system, property rights, and economic calculation

destruction of the activities of separate individual planners

impotence of consumers

hatred between buyer and seller

impetus toward higher costs

quota system of production

economic stagnation leading to economic destruction and progressive impoverishment

minimal capital accumulation

government monopoly on production

forced labor & necessity of mass murder


worship of big government

centralized government

bureaucratic management

central planning based on arbitrary/random/irrational whims and tastes of planners

government monopoly on production, allocation, distribution, intelligence, judgment, knowledge

government monopoly - fear of punishment paralyzes individual initiative and innovation

government disinterested monopoly supplier (such as socialized medicine)

socialized medicine:

decreased care and concern

indifference or contempt toward patients

decrease quality of service (decrease reliability and dependability)

decreased quantity of service

increased waste and inefficiency

increased costs

increase aggregate demand

tyranny and statism

tyrannical leaders terrified of being overthrown by the masses

need to use force to control the masses

force and violation of natural rights

statism, tyranny, and totalitarian dictatorship = necessity of:

-ends justify the means

-might make right

-above and outside of the law 

-reign of brutality, oppression, terror, penalties, fear, paranoia,  and mistrust

atrocities & brutality

-forcible seizure/appropriation of means of production and abolishment of ownership of property

slavery and terrorism

no free elections = black lives don't matter

police state

secret police

government spies and secret informers

sham trials

arbitrary arrest and imprisonment

end of freedom of speech and freedom of the press



no spontaneous assembles

rulers chosen by the process of selection - selection of the worst

need for scapegoats 

need for game behavior

policy of secrecy




parental = government is a nurturing parent


propaganda & indoctrination



social engineering

political correctness

social justice



system of aristocratic privilege and elitism of leaders = the exploiters

powerlessness of the masses

impoverishment of the masses = living at minimal physical subsistence level

infantilization of the people

childlike dependency on government

parasitism on the state

life in a socialist hellhole is a nightmare = angry hostile masses

concentration camps


Capitalism by George Reisman

Marxism/Socialism by George Reisman

Socialism by Ludwig Von Mises

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism by Hans-Hermann Hoppe


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