Time combined with freedom of opportunity heals past injustices

 In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity heals past injustices

Axiom 1 (Conservatism): Preservation of societal order and stability is paramount.

Axiom 2 (Objectivism): Individuals have the right to pursue their own self-interest and happiness.

Axiom 3 (Laissez-faire capitalism): Free markets allow for the most efficient allocation of resources and promote individual liberty.

Main Premise: In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity heals past injustices.

Additional Premise 1: Over time, societal attitudes and values evolve, leading to a greater understanding of past injustices.

Additional Premise 2: Freedom of opportunity allows individuals to overcome past injustices by pursuing their goals and aspirations.

Additional Premise 3: Free markets create an environment where individuals can freely exchange goods and services, promoting economic growth and upward mobility.

Theorem 1: As societal attitudes evolve, the recognition of past injustices increases, leading to a collective desire to rectify them.

Theorem 2: By providing freedom of opportunity, individuals can overcome the effects of past injustices through their own efforts and achievements.

Theorem 3: Free markets create economic opportunities, enabling individuals to improve their socioeconomic status and mitigate the impact of past injustices.

Conclusion (Theorem 4): In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity allows for the healing of past injustices by fostering societal understanding, individual agency, and economic advancement.


Conclusion (Theorem 4): In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity allows for the healing of past injustices by fostering societal understanding, individual agency, and economic advancement.

Undeniable self-evident axiom:

A free and rational society values justice and equality.

Poly-syllogism 1:

Objective Definition:

Time: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future.

Self-evident Axioms/Presuppositions/Assumptions:

In a free and rational society, the passage of time is inevitable.

In a free and rational society, people have the freedom to pursue opportunities.


Given the passage of time, societal norms and attitudes evolve.

In a free and rational society, individuals have the freedom to address past injustices and strive for justice and equality.

The pursuit of justice and equality requires opportunities for all individuals.

Conclusion (Theorem 1):

In a free and rational society, the passage of time, combined with the freedom of opportunity, allows for the healing of past injustices.

Poly-syllogism 2:

Objective Definition:

Healing: the process of mending, recovering, or reconciling from past wounds or injustices.

Self-evident Axioms/Presuppositions/Assumptions:

Healing is a desirable outcome in a just society.

Healing requires addressing and rectifying past injustices.


In a free and rational society, individuals have the freedom to acknowledge and address past injustices.

The passage of time allows for the reflection and reassessment of past actions and policies.

The freedom of opportunity enables individuals to rectify past injustices and work towards a more just society.

Conclusion (Theorem 2):

In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity facilitates the healing process by acknowledging and rectifying past injustices.

Poly-syllogism 3:

Objective Definitions:

Freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Opportunity: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

Self-evident Axioms/Presuppositions/Assumptions:

Freedom and opportunity are fundamental principles of a free and rational society.

In a free and rational society, individuals have the autonomy to make choices and pursue opportunities.


In a free and rational society, individuals have the freedom to address past injustices.

The availability of opportunities allows individuals to actively participate in the healing process.

Healing requires the empowerment of individuals to make choices and take actions towards justice.

Conclusion (Theorem 3):

In a free and rational society, the combination of time and freedom of opportunity enables individuals to actively participate in the healing process and work towards justice and equality.

Overall Conclusion (Theorem 4):

In a free and rational society, time combined with freedom of opportunity facilitates the healing of past injustices by allowing for the evolution of societal norms, the acknowledgment and rectification of past wrongs, and the empowerment of individuals to actively pursue justice and equality.


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