11 Commandments of Rationality

People who break/disobey many of these 11 commandments, like George Floyd did, tend to have a shorter life expectancy rate. Honoring him is like honoring the bad for being the bad.

1) be a producer and not a parasite (moocher or looter)

2) don't be addicted to street drugs

3) don't overdose on drugs

4) don't be an alcoholic or smoke 

5) don't be a criminal

6) don't physically fight the cops

7) be rational: follow reality and reason and not emotionalism, subjectivism, or fantasies, and adhere to rational principles as the guide to decisions and actions

8) be healthy, wealthy, wise, honest, independent, prudent, with high self-esteem, and don't compromise your integrity

9) pursue knowledge of reality and objective truth

10) pursue rational self-interest, follow individualism, limited government, and capitalism

11) initiation of force and violation of natural rights is prohibited, while the perfect right of self defense is allowed

Here is a more elegant and refined version of these 11 commandments:

  1. Contribute Productively: Be a creator and active contributor rather than relying on others and being a parasite.
  2. Avoid Substance Abuse: Refrain from addiction to illicit drugs.
  3. Practice Moderation: Use substances responsibly to prevent overdose.
  4. Limit Alcohol Consumption and smoking: Avoid alcoholism to maintain clear judgment and good health, and avoid smoking to maintain good health.
  5. Abide by the Law: Refrain from engaging in criminal activities.
  6. Cooperate with Law Enforcement: Avoid physical confrontations with police.
  7. Embrace Rationality: Let reality and reason guide your decisions and actions, steering clear of emotionalism, subjectivism, and fantasies. Adhere to rational principles.
  8. Cultivate Virtue and Good Character: Strive to be healthy, wealthy, wise, honest, independent, prudent, and uphold high self-esteem and integrity.
  9. Seek Knowledge: Pursue a deep knowledge and understanding of reality and objective truth.
  10. Promote Rational Self-Interest: Embrace individualism, support limited government, and advocate for capitalism.
  11. Prohibit Initiation of Force: Do not initiate force or violate natural rights, while upholding the right to self-defense.


The eight-fold way of rationality:
rationality can indeed be summarized in the form of an eight-fold way but with more than eight principles to ensure comprehensiveness. These principles contribute to living rationally in an irrational world.

 The importance of critical thinking and logical reasoning in assessing information and making informed judgments. It underscores the need to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and avoid cognitive biases that may cloud our judgment [1].

 The significance of probabilistic reasoning and decision-making. It highlights the role of weighing probabilities and considering potential outcomes in order to make rational choices. By conducting rational benefits to costs analysis, benefits to harms analysis, and benefits to risks analysis, individuals can assess the expected value of different options and make informed decisions [2].

The significance of emotional intelligence in rationality. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and regulating emotions, as well as recognizing how emotions can influence our judgment and decision-making processes. By cultivating emotional awareness and managing emotions effectively, individuals can enhance their rationality in various aspects of life [3].

 The importance of evidence-based thinking and the scientific method in rationality. It encourages individuals to rely on empirical evidence, seek reliable sources of information, and engage in systematic inquiry to arrive at well-founded conclusions. By adopting a scientific mindset, individuals can approach problems and decision-making processes more rationally [4].

 The significance of introspection and self-reflection in rationality. It emphasizes the importance of examining our own biases, beliefs, and values, as well as being open to revising them in light of new evidence and reasoning. By engaging in self-awareness and self-correction, individuals can enhance their rationality and avoid being trapped in irrational patterns of thinking [5].

 The importance of adaptability and flexibility in rationality. It underscores the need to update our beliefs and strategies based on new information and changing circumstances. By being open to revising our approaches and beliefs, individuals can adapt more effectively to an ever-changing world and make rational choices accordingly [6].

In summary, while the 8-fold way of Buddhism provides a framework for ethical and spiritual development, rationality can be summarized in a similar form with more than eight principles. By incorporating principles such as critical thinking, probabilistic reasoning, emotional intelligence, evidence-based thinking, introspection, and adaptability, individuals can strive to live rationally in an irrational world [1][2][3][4][5][6].


1 Objectivism: the Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff

2 Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

3 Restoring The American Dream by Robert J. Ringer

4 How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne

5 Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell

6 The Tortoise's Little Green Book of winning Theories by Robert J. Ringer


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