
Causes of collapsing birthrate all over the world?

Some reasons behind the collapsing birthrate we see all over the world? Economic Considerations: Evidence: Research shows that countries with higher costs of living, such as Japan and many Western European nations, have lower birthrates. A study by the OECD indicates that financial stability is a significant factor in family planning decisions. Warrant: When individuals perceive that they cannot afford the financial burden of raising children, they are likely to delay or avoid parenthood. Economic security is a rational priority that influences reproductive choices. Changing Social Norms: Evidence: Surveys indicate that younger generations prioritize personal fulfillment and career success over traditional family roles. For instance, a Pew Research Center study found that many millennials view having a successful career as more important than having children. Warrant: As societal values shift towards individualism and self-actualization, people are likely to choose paths that align wit

Comprehensive list of the laws of the Mitzvot of Judaism

  248 Positive Mitzvot (רמ״ח מצוות עשה) 1: Believing in God 2: Unity of God 3: Loving God 4: Fearing God 5: Worshiping God 6: Cleaving to God 7: Taking an oath by God's Name 8: Walking in God's ways 9: Sanctifying God's Name 10: Reading the Shema twice daily 11: Studying and teaching Torah 12: Wearing Tefillin of the head 13: Wearing Tefillin of the hand 14: To make Tzitzit 15: To affix a Mezuzah 16: Hakhel during Sukkot 17: A king should write a Torah 18: Everyone should write a Torah 19: Grace after meals 20: Building a Sanctuary for God 21: Revering the Beit Hamikdash 22: Guarding the Mikdash 23: Levitical services in the Mikdash 24: Ablutions of the Kohanim 25: Kindling the lamps by the Kohanim 26: Kohanim blessing Israel 27: The Showbread 28: Burning the Incense 29: The perpetual fire on the Altar 30: Removing the ashes from the Altar 31: Removing tamei persons from the camp 32: Honoring the Kohanim 33: The Priestly garments 34: Kohanim bearing the Ark on their shoulde